Getting our kids outdoors
40 Hardys Road Mudgeeraba, 4213 QLD, Australia

Hinterland Regional Park

When is the place?

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Where is it?

40 Hardys Road Mudgeeraba, 4213 QLD, Australia

Recommended for

6 - 8 years

9 - 12 years

0 - 4 years

5 - 6 years

13+ years


Walking trail

Conventional Playground


Car parking




Sun Shade

Lots of places to explore – easy walks through the forest, great bird spotting. A large recreational park of open space with patches of Eucalypt forest and several small watercourses that drain into Mudgeeraba Creek and Bonogin Creek. The connectivity from Hinterland Regional Park through Upper Mudgeeraba Conservation Area provides opportunities for low-impact, nature-based recreation from urban areas into the hinterland.