Getting our kids outdoors

Lockdown Likes

What did you like about ‘Lockdown’, the COVID-19 time of restrictions?

What did you like about ‘Lockdown’, the COVID-19 time of restrictions?

Residents of Moreton Bay Regional Council are talking about positive experiences amidst the pain and loss. Some families explored and discovered more together in their neighbourhoods. Some students enjoyed home study. What worked for you? 

Through art, storytelling and surveys we want to hear from  

  • Children (up to 12) 
  • Young people and (13 to 24)
  • Adults/caregivers 

who live in the Moreton Bay region. 

When people were getting sick with COVID-19 in Queensland and the rest of Australia, there was a time when we all needed to stay home. A lot of people couldnt go to work and schools were closed. For a while, we were only allowed to leave the house for exercise or essential things like shopping for food and medical appointments. Sometimes this was called Lockdown. 

Sharing your stories of what you liked and what was helpful will assist Moreton Bay Regional Council and Nature Play QLD to better prepared to support each other at times like these. We also hope to spark conversations about what you would like to continue in life after lockdown. An online exhibition will celebrate the artworks contributed.  

Consultation opens: Mon 20 July 2020 

Consultation closes: Fri 18 September 2020 

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Ways to Participate

  • ART – Show us about what you liked, with a creative response 
    • Creative responses by children 
    • Creative responses by young people, parents/caregivers 
  • DOCUMENTION OF YOUR HOME LIFE – Tell us about your experiences and how you spent your time by sharing photos or videos from your life 
  • SURVEY – Tell us your ideas with our online survey [ It is suitable for children to complete with an adult, for young people, and for parents/caregivers. 

Schools and community groups or organisation  

If you are part of a school, community group or organisation in Moreton Bay region, you could 

  • Discuss the key question as a group and complete the creative responses as a class activity (using the Project Participation Guide (link to Guide) 
  • Share this Lockdown Likes link and promote the project to encourage individuals or families to participate 
  • Support your community to complete the survey 
  • Invite members of the Lockdown Likes Project Team to run a face-to-face consultation with your group members or school community    

More info (download invitation to share with your school or group)  

Creative Response by Children

Key questions– discuss with children: 

Living with the physical and social isolation was a bit different. While there were some things I couldn’t do, I had time to try new things and do my favourite activities. What about you? What did you like about lockdown?  

These questions may spark your creative or written response: 

  • “while I couldn’t do…, I also had time to try new things/my favourite activities such as…
  • “I did… for the first time during lockdown and I’d like to do it again”
  • “I did… often, and this is why it was special”
  • “discovered… in my neighbourhood that I didn’t know about before”
  • “want to remember feeling… and want to share with you about that time”

Ways you can respond: 

Show us with artwork or tell us in words 

Please include a few words about your artwork to ensure we understand your meaning. 

  • Visual art – a drawing, painting or collage on A4 paper (template provided) 
  • Tell a story – write about your experiences in a story, write a letter or diary entry, poetry 
  • Performance art or song – video recordings of your original work 
  • Creative videography, such as stop motion video 
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Creative Response by Young People, Parents/Caregivers

Inspiration statement and questions: 

“Life during physical and social isolation was very different, but it wasn’t all bad. While there were some things you couldn’t do (such as go to school or visit friends), you may have had more time to time to explore new places, new or favourite past-times, or spend more quality time with your family.  

What did you like about lockdown? Please respond. 

These points may inspire your written or creative response: 

  • Great things I discovered I could do for the first time during lockdown
  • Things I recently discovered or appreciate more in my neighbourhood or community throughout lockdown
  • Something I did often during that time, and this is why
  • My mood during Coronavirus and lockdown

Ways you could respond: 

Show us in artwork or tell us in words 

Please include a few words about your artwork to ensure we understand your meaning. 

  • Visual art – a drawing, painting or collage on A4 paper. You can create it new on the template provided, use A4 paper, or take a photo of your artwork and submit it online. 
  • Written word – tell a story about your experiences, write a letter or diary entry, poetry, etc. Write on the A4 template provided or upload a document. 
  • Performance art – video recordings of your original work (music, dance, spoken word etc) 
  • Photography or videography – of how I spent my time with family and friends 
  • Creative videography – such as stop motion video, Tiktok videos etc that show how
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Documentation of Home Life

Submit home videos or photos you took during lockdown representing moments with family, friends or representing how you spent your time. How was it different to your usual activities? 

(suitable only for submission by parents/ caregivers or people over 18 years of age with permission to share the images). 

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Aim of the survey: Your feedback in this survey is important to us. Learnings from the Lockdown Likes Survey will be incorporated into the Moreton Bay Disaster Management planning arrangements and inform the planning of programs and services of Council more broadly.   


It is suitable to be completed by: 

  • Children with help from an adult 
  • Young people or young adults 
  • Parents and caregivers 

Who reside within the Moreton Bay Council region 

More than one person may each complete this survey with the survey link from the same device. 

Survey closes: Fri 18 September 2020 

Join the online conversation

Join the Facebook group to comment, share and spread the word. 


(07) 3205 0555 

Submit your entry