Where is it?
Poolwood Rd, Kewarra Beach QLD 4879
Primary Outdoor Learning
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View websiteTAS Kewarra Beach Primary is a K – 6 independent school of around 300 students, located on the northern beaches of Cairns. Kewarra Beach is nestled between the MacAlister Range and the Coral Sea where the protection of biodiversity is now a major issue. As urban development moves into green spaces inhabited by native wildlife, our students and families are directly and daily impacted, both inside and outside our school environment. Our recent recognition as an Outdoor Learning Education Provider acknowledges that we take the impact of this issue seriously and see the need to teach our children about the value and care of biodiversity on a local, national, and global scale.
Our Outdoor Learning accreditation comes after over eighteen months of professional development and concentrated effort by our motivated and enthusiastic teaching staff to substantiate our commitment to teaching and assessing the Australian Curriculum both inside and outside the classroom and through experience. We are committed to teaching our students that learning is life-long and occurs across all indoor and outdoor environments, at all times, not just in a classroom.
At TAS Kewarra Beach Campus, we inspire the curious. Our goal is to use our unique environment, to tap into students’ natural curiosity and improve learning outcomes whilst encouraging the development of environmentally responsible practices. Our natural bushland setting, abundant wildlife, indoor-outdoor programs and innovative teaching practices provide opportunities for our Prep to Year 6 students to engage with and learn from their natural world as part of their ACARA based, academic program.
Encouraging students to develop environmentally responsible habits and an appreciation of the Round Square IDEAL of environmentalism underpins our learning culture and campus schedule. As opportunities for children to engage with the natural world diminish, so does their physical and mental health. The right all children to be active, curious learners forming age-appropriate problem solving and risk management skills is no longer a given.
As the needs of our children change, so must schools. At TAS Kewarra Beach Campus, we prioritise connecting our students with their environment as an essential, evidence-based, 21st Century teaching and learning pedagogy that enables academic success and promotes wellbeing, an awareness of sustainable practices, compassion, a respect for self and all living things.
We believe that as a Primary Outdoor Learning Education Provider with a strong, successful, and innovative Prep to Year 6 academic program, we are empowering our students to become the environmentally conscious scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and leaders of the future.