Where is it?
23 Curtis St, Norman Park QLD 4170, Australia
Early Childhood Bush and Beach Kindy and Nature Programs
Visit the website for more information
View websiteAt Norman Park Community Kindergarten we acknowledge the Jagera people as the traditional owners of land on which we play, learn and grow.
We are a one unit, not-for-profit kindergarten managed by a committee of parents who support our high educator to child ratios of one teacher and two educators to 25 children.
Our community kindergarten is affiliated with The Lady Gowrie, who support us as our Central Governing Body. We are rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standards (October 2019).
Since 1962, NPCK has offered local children the chance to experience a sense of wonder, exploration and discovery that is childhood. Our aim is create a special place where families, children, educators and the community have a shared sense of belonging and fond memories that will last a lifetime. Our philosophy views children as capable, competent and eager to learn. We foster children’s learning and development through our child-led, play-based, open-ended indoor/outdoor curriculum.
Our natural kindy grounds are extensive on 1882m², with only one group of 25 children playing onsite on a daily basis. The outdoor learning environment is vast, encompassing a large uneven grassed area, a mud/digging patch, ‘rainforest’ area, climbing trees, large native trees and native animals (rainbow lorikeets, kookaburras, possums, native bees), wondering pathways, water course, fire pit, veggie patch, gardens, sand-pit, soft-fall area and natural/found loose parts (rocks of various sizes, gum nuts, leaves, sticks). There is very little fixed equipment, instead, children utilise loose parts from the shed to create structures on which to play.
We regularly conduct offsite Nature Kindergarten excursions to surrounding park and bushland. Through these excursions, children have showed an increased respect for the land, nature and the environment; have developed skills in assessing risk; and have become more confident in the out-of-doors.