Getting our kids outdoors
845 Wynnum Rd, Cannon Hill QLD 4170

Cannon Hill State School

Where is it?

845 Wynnum Rd, Cannon Hill QLD 4170


Primary Schools Nature Play Spaces

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Cannon Hill State School children love to learn. We are inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach to learning. Children are listened to. We share, celebrate and publish their thinking. Children and teachers use the playgrounds and gardens as learning spaces.

Why Nature Play
Nature play is important at Cannon Hill State School as children are encouraged to explore nature by repeatedly engaging with natural elements in multiple ways. They start to engage at a deeper level with nature and start noticing, feeling and actively experiencing what is often missed. To facilitate these experiences we are conscious of our responsibility to be constantly creating environments of possibility by providing logs, sticks, branches, rocks, stones, trees, dirt, water and sand.

In these spaces children climb trees, they build cubbies with logs and sticks. They dig with shovels in sandpits and dirt that has water running through it. They can get dirty and wet. Children grind ochre on rocks and paint using the ochre. They engage in Imaginary social play using oral language to communicate their roles and rules of engagement.