Where is it?
165 Bardon Rd, Berrinba QLD 4117
Primary Outdoor Learning
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View websiteBerrinba East State School is a school of 450 students located in Logan Central. The school community is very proud of our cultural diversity and its association with local indigenous history which is represented on our school logo. Berrinba East State School is fortunate to have a large space that allows us to have a forest space, a large loose parts space, two farm spaces (that include chickens, ducks, vegetable gardens and worm farms) and a mountain bike track developed and maintained by students. With the vision of ‘Bringing back Childhood’, students are provided opportunities to develop their language and social skills through unstructured play and learning experiences in our outdoor settings.
For further information on the amazing work that Berrinba East State School is working on, read the following:
Nature Play at Berrinba East State School – A Case Study
Outdoor Learning lowers violence and suspensions at Berrinba East State School – ABC News