Getting our kids outdoors
By Fay Chomley - Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Nature for Health and Wellbeing: A Review of the Evidence

This review was commissioned by Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (RBGV) to better understand and harness global studies in regard to the relationship between nature, health and wellbeing. It has a particular focus on adult mental health. It comprised a desktop scan of contemporary research literature as well as relevant policy documents. A rapidly growing body of research provides evidence that time spent in nature is good for us – physically, mentally and emotionally. It lowers stress which impacts on our health in many complex ways, changing our mood as well as the way our nervous, endocrine and immune systems function. There is also growing evidence that women and men experience and respond to urban green space in different ways and that we gain different benefits at different life stages.

Time spent in nature is good for us – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Read the full report here.