Getting our kids outdoors

What does risk taking really look like in early childhood?

One of the biggest hurdles to outdoor play is understanding the nature of risk-taking. We run a nature immersion program called Birdwings, and have found that the most challenging risk-taking activities that children will experience in our programs has little to do with wild nature play at all. Snakes, fire-work, water-play and tree-climbing are not as challenging […]

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Benefits of outdoor learning

Outdoor learning has a positive impact for teachers and educators on their practice, health and wellbeing, professional development, job satisfaction and more. Learning outdoors can support curriculum delivery. Not only are the lesson plans supplied mapped to the Australian curriculum, but outdoor learning supports increased interest in learning which in turn achieves greater learning through improved […]

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Outdoor Classroom Day Case Study: Clearview Early Learning and Kindergarten

Tell us about your centre. We are a semi-rural long daycare centre and kindergarten based in Nerang. We are a recognised Nature Play educational provider and deliver an emergent curriculum with relevant intentional teaching based on children’s interests. We allow children ample opportunities to engage in unstructured play outdoors using natural resources. What type of outdoor […]

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