Feeling the wind through your hair is as easy as getting on a bike. Take your whole family. It doesn’t have to be far, just right around your neighbourhood or around your local park. […]
Family ride

Feeling the wind through your hair is as easy as getting on a bike. Take your whole family. It doesn’t have to be far, just right around your neighbourhood or around your local park. […]
Make a list of some common things and a few rare ones that can be found outside near your home or in a park. You can includes things like: gum nut, pine cone, flat rock, etc. Pass the list out and give your kids 20 minutes to find as much as they can. […]
Check a local plant guide out from the library. Take a walk around your garden or a near park. Can you identify the different plants and trees? What other plants and trees do you see near? […]
On a clear night, you and your kids will have fun watch the night sky. Take a book our from the library and learn the stars and constellations. Greet the moon in all of its phases. […]
Take turns thinking of people, places or even objects and then having the group ask yes or no questions to figure out who or what you are. This is the perfect activity for a hike or even just sitting outside. […]
Imagine a very hot or cold place in the world. What kind of plants and animals are there? What would the people wear? Dress up like you are at that place for fun. […]